Pavement Licker
Back in 2003, graphic artist James-Lee Duffy and writer Josh Jones started a ‘zine. It promoted fresh talent alongside more established names in the underground art world and it was fiercely independent. Nearly 20 years later it’s still going strong and Pavement Licker has grown into something much bigger, while still retaining that original focus.
Known for their extensive contacts in the art world, Pavement Licker has continued to promote artists to a global audience through the ‘zine, collaborations and curated art shows. They even opened up the work of their favourite artists to a whole new audience on the labels of an eponymous beer created with the brewery Verdant. They’ve also worked with the Saatchi Gallery, collaborated on clothing lines, made more zines, created screen prints, raised lots of money for charity, and continue to do what they want. Successfully.
As Shepard Fairey said, "one color can answer some very important questions!"
Founder / Creative Director / Designer: James-Lee Duffy
Founder / Editor: Josh Jones
Photos: Tom Medwell
Platform: Print / Event / Publishing / Collaboration / Curation

“I don’t have anything lying around that isn’t shit I’m afraid.”
“King of ‘zines”
i-D Magazine
“I’ve got loads of doodles – as long as you’re prepared to take something filthy… finally, an outlet!”
Jamie Hewlett
“It’s like Heat magazine, but it’s black and white
and the pictures and the words are better.”
Mr. Bingo
“Some questions ARE black and white. Pavement Licker and I see eye to eye on the answers to the questions of whether to be conformist or irreverent, passive or creative, elitist, or accessible. Pavement Licker demonstrates that one color can answer some very important questions!”
Shepard Fairey
Who needs glossy toss rags when you can have a photocopied zine spewed from the mind of the straightest nutter I've ever met. Pavement Licker is, was, and always will be, king of the zines.
Steve Lazarides
Pavement Licker is a document of art foolery and stuff for generations to learn from.
Paul Insect
“all-time bible of underground art”
“London’s most legendary art zine”
“one of the most important underground art zines in Europe...”