The Art of Purgatory
DESIGN, HOMEPAGE, ILLUSTRATION, BOOKSJAMES-LEE DUFFYPavement Licker, james-lee duffy, Black and white, mickey mouse, New, New York, zine, magazine, illustration, punk, Type, Comic, Art
Moonshine and Honey ‘Zine
ART DIRECTION, DESIGN, HOMEPAGE, PRINTJAMES-LEE DUFFYStephanie Siân Smith, Moonshine and Honey, Lauren Berry, james-lee duffy, Charlie Barker, Lily Jean Bridger, Lily Newmark, Calverts London, Josh Jones, zine
Pavement Licker
DESIGN, HOMEPAGE, ILLUSTRATION, CURATION, PRINTJAMES-LEE DUFFYPavement Licker, james-lee duffy, Josh Jones, illustration, Graphic, Banksy, zine, magazine, print, Shepard Fairey, Verdant, Pavement Licker X Verdant, Pavementlicker, James-Lee Duffy, pavementlickers, Pavement, Zine, 'Zine, Art Zine, Art, Art 'Zine, House of Holland,, iD MAgazine, Jamie Hewlett, EINE, Kelsey Brookes, Mr Bingo, Pure Evil, Paul Insect, GILF!, Andrew Rae, David Shrigley, Antony Micallef, Kate Moross, Jon Burgerman, Anthony Lister, Pavement Licker James-Lee Duffy, PavementLicker, Pavement Lickers, jamie Hewlett, mr. Bingo, Steve Lazarides, Time-Out, Juxtapoz